Organised by Teaching and Learning Innovation Centre (TALIC), and Faculty of Dentistry, HKU
This is a mixed session starting with three presentations on SaP initiatives, followed by a 30-minute to 60-minute consultation period. Dr. Peter Lau from TALIC, also one of the SaP mentors, will stay behind to facilitate the consultation. Feel free to approach him at the end of the SaP seminar. All are welcome!
Date : 17 April 2024 (Wednesday)
Time : 12:30pm – 1:30pm*
* Notes: SaP mentors and speakers are keen to meet colleagues for SaP project consultation after the seminar. Participants can reserve a seat for consultation during registration.
Venue : Learning Lab (RRS 321, 3/F, Run Run Shaw Building, Main Campus, HKU)
Event Website and Registration: https://er.talic.hku.hk/sap-cop-240417/
Speakers (in presenting order):
- Ms. Chan Wai Lam Jaye, 5th-year BDS student, Faculty of Dentistry
- Ms. Yue Ka Wan Rowenna, 5th-year BDS student, Faculty of Dentistry
- Mr. Shu Wai Ching Benjamin, 5th-year BDS student, Faculty of Dentistry
- Mr. Billy Chan, Student Wellness Counsellor, LKS Faculty of Medicine
- Ms. Vincci Lau, Senior Student Wellness Counsellor, LKS Faculty of Medicine
- Prof. Kendrick C. Shih, Clinical Associate Professor of Practice, Honorary Consultant, LKS Faculty of Medicine
Facilitator: Prof. Michael Botelho, Clinical Professor, Faculty of Dentistry, HKU